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True stories about how God has impacted the lives of students @ Brock University

Christina's Story- Relationships

We are all on a journey searching for something greater. I thought I could find that something greater in relationships...

Kassie's Story- Meaning

Have you ever wanted to make a difference? Do you have a desire for meaning if your life?  Here's my story- a search for meaning, and an amazing discovery.

Rachel's Story- Acceptance

I have been on an incredible journey throughout my life and have recently been piecing a lot of things together

Take a look at how my life has literally been transformed, and if you have any questions I would love to talk with you about them..

Nick's Story- Victory

I love to win and this is my story about victory. I've been on an incredible journey throughout my entire life and I want to share it with you! I've found the ultimate victory and my life has been fulfilled ever since.

Becki's story- Achievement

Do you crave achievement? Listen to how I found it beyond my personal actions and goals.

Hannah's Story- Acceptance

For the majority of my life I've been on a search for acceptance. Listen to my story and find out how my craving was satisfied through Jesus Christ.

To watch more stories from students across Canada check out this

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